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Юхо Лайтинен (виолончель)

13 ноября, чт, 20:00

Юхо Лайтинен (виолончель): Giacinto Scelsi "Trilogy"

Виолончелист Юхо Лайтинен исполняет музыку Джачинто Шелси и читает на английском выдержки из дневника композитора "Сон 101". Перформанс проникнут антропософскими и буддистскими концепциями, его тема - трнсцендентный звук.

Биография Шелси обросла мифами, - эксцентричный отпрыск итальяно-испанской знати оказывается в безысходности и ищет свой путь, играя на фортепиано одну и ту же ноту. Дневник "Сон 101" приоткрывает другую сторону музыканта, - человека из плоти и крови.
Юхо Лайтинен - виолончелист и композитор, специализирующийся на традициях модернизма, американского и европейского авангарда. Выступление в ГЭЗ-21 является частью масштабного проекта, посвященного музыке Джачинто Шелси. 

Cellist Juho Laitinen performs music by Giacinto Scelsi and works of his own and reads in English excerpts from Scelsi’s diary ”Dream 101”. The performance has a leaning towards anthroposophical and Buddhist thinking; its themes are the soulfulness and transcendence of sound.

The life story of Giacinto Scelsi (1905–1988) has reached mythical dimensions: an eccentric offspring of Italian–Spanish nobility is driven into spiritual despair and finds his way out by playing on a piano the same note over and over again, thus discovering in one sound a microcosm worthy of a lifetime’s dedication. This mythology is rooted deeply into the common understanding of 20th century music, but a diary titled ”Dream 101” serves to unroot some of it and bring Scelsi the man in flesh and blood to the fore: a man of profundity with a ceaseless interest in his surroundings, people and their psychologies, various forms of art as well as Eastern and Western religions and philosophies.

Juho Laitinen is a cellist and composer with a particular interest in the traditions of American and European avantgarde and modernism. In 2013 he finished an artistic doctorate at Sibelius Academy in Helsinki titled ”Manifesto of Sounding” in which he dealt with the unity of music and the surrounding reality in context of experimental music. The performance at GEZ21 is part of a large-scale project focussing on Giacinto Scelsi’s music – the culmination will be a series of performances of the work ”Trilogia – i tre stadi dell’uomo”.

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