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16 октября, вторник, 20:00

Alpha Couple (Canada)
Дмитрий Кротевич (СПб)

Вход - 300, студентам - 200


Canadian duo Alpha Couple — former gallery owners Kristel Jax and Mark Wohlgemuth — craft kaleidoscopic sound collages comprised of textural instrumentation and found soundbites. At once conceptual and emotionally raw, Alpha Couple’s compositions are haunting in their ability to communicate ineffable psychic states.
-Underline Gallery NYC

An expression of a nightmarish landscape, but somehow, it sounds too human for something like a nightmare. Alpha Couple is a group that turns inwards; blending the voices into experiments and public conversations as music. The ambition is consistent as it seeks imagination, but even more profound and unique is the vulnerability the two musicians deliver. Wherever the voice lacks words, the singing drives with an emotional lament and a sorrowful cry. You can view the compositions as perhaps haunting, or you can listen to it and think of something surreal. Either way, the duet demonstrates a human quality, an expressive glow.
-Already Dead Tapes & Records

Alpha Couple are two of the kindest, coolest people we know making music today. Comprised of former gallery owner Kristel Jax and Mark Wohlgemuth (also of the excellent Kram Ran), Alpha Couple make beautiful, psychedelic-influenced experiments that remind one of songs half-dreamed, half-remembered.
-Dan Jones, Electronic Beats

Дмитрий Кротевич (Санкт-Петербург)

Музыкант и видеохудожник из Санкт-Петербурга.
Исполнитель на тромбоне, тенори-оне и различных электронных инструментах. Участник многочисленных музыкальных проектов: Ptherodaktile Voice (avant-rock, modal jazz), The Soaps (funk, jazz), Dots & Lines (free improv, free-jazz), St.Petersburg Improvisers Orchestra (free improv), Wooden Plants (contemporary improvised music), а также основатель дуэта Punktieren (ambient, drone, abstract electronics). В настоящее время Дмитрий работает сольно с виниловым проигрывателем.

Вход - 300, студентам - 200